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Review Information Provided by JBMD


This information is provided by JBMD as suggestive and to take into consideration when signing up for the service

Wix is the most popular website solution on the market. Comparable to the cleaned up and simpler Wordpress, Wix gives you a full hosted solution in the cloud. You don't have to buy any additional software, you just access it from a browser to create and make update your site. Wix supported a range of site types like: information websites, blogging and online e-commence solutions. It also supports third party apps to enhance your site with plug and play like system, all without writing a line of code.



Information Last Updated

Mar. 1, 2023


Web Interaction Only

Wix is tailored to people who don't know how to code. It is build with an interactive user interface with custom forms and drop downs to create your website without writing code.

Email Marketing Build In

Collect user emails for newsletters and/or collect your client list directly inside your site with Wix. No more keeping your own spreadsheet somewhere with customer information that you have to manually update.

GDPR & Tracking Ease

Wix gives you an easy way to support GDPR compliance and handles all tracking accordingly. With a couple of checkmarks and a privacy policy you will be covered.


Changing Templates

Sadly once you have committed to a template and published your site, you are bound to that template. You can still do small updates but to change your whole site look and feel you will need to create a whole new site.

Mobile Responsiveness

Wix uses something called absolute positioning which means elements in your site don't actually adjust based on the width and height of your screen. They are bound to sizing. Making your website look great on a large desktop and small mobile. However a hit and miss for: smaller laptop, tablet size ranges and, some large mobile screens.

E-commerce Last

They may have e-commerce solution support however be aware that Wix list of features for e-commerce are lacking compared to other online services. Additional cost is required for e-commerce plans as well.

Things To Be Aware Of


Wix free plan may be free but there are two significant drawbacks to it. First is your domain can not be unique, it will have .wixsite.com on the end. Secondary there will be prominent ads throughout your site no matter what template you pick.

Missing Exports

Be ware while considering Wix, you are very limited on exporting data if you decide to change hosting services for your site. You can't export digital product information, blog posts and your site template.

Storage Capping on Plans

All paid plans do have unlimited bandwidth, however that does not mean storage is free. Based on the plan you have you do have a limit of storage. The bigger the plan, the more storage you have but beware it may cost you.


We use a lot of software, so we know the positives, negatives and things you should be aware of before using them.